Build a tower in minecraft. Andyisyoda creative minecraft tower build. Easy minecraft tower tutorial. How to build a tower in minecraft with tips and tricks. Minecraft tower tutorial from andyisyoda in creative but can be done easily in survival too. This minecraft fantasy tower build would suit a princess or prince! Design: OrrestaP - do /plot visit OrrestaP on play.usetheblocks.net I missed out a little of the trim detail from the bottom by mistake - sorry! ►Downloads and more from my website:https://lvlupclothing.com 🌐Excellent Minecraft Server Hosting:http://dedimc.promo/andyisyoda 🌐Use the code andyisyoda for 15% off Get 50% of a VPN: http://torguard.net - code 'andyisyoda50' ♦ Minecraft Historical Builds: https://goo.gl/yi82tX ♦ Transform a Minecraft Village:https://goo.gl/jyiY7r ♦ Transform a Minecraft Village Season 2:https://goo.gl/EcK2Ri ♦ Building Tips:https://goo.gl/QnTZrg ♦ Creative showcases:https://goo.gl/KkTQEU ♦ Survival Base Tutorials:https://goo.gl/BdRhUN ♦ Minecraft Easy Build series:https://goo.gl/x3758K ♦ Minecraft Building Tutorials:https://goo.gl/BC4EhS ♦ Minecraft Lets Builds:https://goo.gl/7LzKpp ►http://sleeksupply.com - use code 'andyisyoda' for 20% off an amazing watch ►andyisyoda MERCH http://lvlupclothing.com ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/andyisyoda ►Instagram.com/andyisyoda/ ►Facebook: http://goo.gl/6Y67lN ►Discord: https://discord.gg/fSku33x ►my server IP: play.usetheblocks.net ►my texture pack: https://lvlupclothing.com Shaders: KUDA 5.0.6 Main music by https://soundcloud.com/ventura-musix music outro ► The Entertainer (Remix) ◄ Free Download: http://bit.ly/1Jm9JXL translate or add captions http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?tab=2&c=UCmDsKO8gTXVRHcHeF1E_5Jg Want to know more about Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual sandbox type game where people of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. Nearly everything on Minecraft is built and designed by the players. Each player starts by choosing a character and giving it a name. They can then explore Minecraft having fun by chatting and working with other players to survive in survival mode or even create huge structures with an unlimited lego like set of blocks. Each player has their own land and a virtual toolbox with which to make creations — be it a castle, mansion or a giant arcade machine for example. There are lots of multiplayer games and servers through which players learn to cooperate. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Minecraft Snapshot 18w49a - NEW VILLAGES!!!!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC0zb5QSLJw -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-