Minecraft BuildersLibrary of How to Build/Tutorial for Minecraft Bedrock Edtion

Minecraft: How to Build a Skull Mountain Base | Mansion Interior | Survival House Tutorial



This Minecraft build tutorial shows how to build a skull mountain base with a mansion style interior, designed for survival. Material list: Exterior: Dark Oak Planks - 110 Dark Oak Slab - 26 Diorite - 113 Diorite Stairs - 28 Diorite Wall - 5 Glowstone - 2 Chain - 2 Lantern - 2 Interior: Spruce Log - 335 Spruce Fence - 27 Spruce Fence Gate - 8 Lantern - 20 Stripped Dark Oak Log - 79 Dark Oak Planks - 320 Dark Oak Fence Gate - 2 Dark Oak Pressure Plate - 2 Dark Oak Stairs - 114 Dark Oak Slab - 125 Dark Oak Trapdoor - 82 Dark Oak Door - 4 Glowstone - 38 Obsidian - 10 Crafting Table Cartography Table Stonecutter Bookshelf - 32 Enchanting Table Ender Chest Smithing Table Anvil Grindstone Furnace - 3 Smoker - 3 Blast Furnace - 3 Stone Bricks - 13 Stone Brick Stairs - 3 Campfire - 2 Iron Bars - 3 Cauldron Brewing Stand Chest - 52 Barrel - 19 Soul Sand - 12 Nether Wart - 12 Jukebox Lectern Red Bed - 3 Cyan Concrete - 20 Sand - 6 Glass - 6 Seagrass Fire Coral Kelp Bubble Coral Sea Pickle Horn Coral Loom - 14 Black Glazed Terracotta - 28 Oak Leaves - 4 Dead Bush - 4 Red Carpet - 12 Painting - 10 Item Frame - 11 Flower Pot - 14 Dark Oak Sapling Fern - 2 Azure Bluet Warped Roots Cornflower Allium Crimson Fungus Poppy Cake Biscuit Bread Clock Water Bottle Bell Lever Wither Skeleton Skull Book and Quill Enchanted Book Book Lapis Lazuli Enchanted Tool Other tools of your choice Seed: 3010421103502276048 Coordinates (X, Y, Z): 315, 71, -1530 -------------------------- SOCIAL MEDIA -------------------------- Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ayvocado.yt Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/Ayvocado ------------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------------- - Music provided by Epidemic Sound: “Charcoal stream” - Curved “In the waiting” - Johannes Bornlof “Revitalize” - Yonder Dale “Awakening” - Johannes Bornlof “Leaving Moscow” - Joseph Beg “Burned letters” - Johannes Bornlof “The diary” - Johannes Bornlof --------------------------- TIMESTAMPS --------------------------- 0:00 - Introduction 0:18 - Exterior Materials 0:28 - Exterior 5:30 - Interior Materials 5:41 - Interior Layout 10:21 - Interior #Minecraft #HowToBuild #Tutorial
